
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Edinburgh centre to boost respiratory research

12 September, 2019

A new data research centre, coordinated from Edinburgh, will help to improve the lives of people…

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

05 September, 2019

Congratulations to Jeni Harden who has recently been made a Principal Fellow of the Higher…

City Region Deal funding secured

04 September, 2019

The City Region Deal joint committee have officially approved £49.2 million towards the new Usher…

Principal's Medal Winners 2019

21 August, 2019

Congratulations to Professors Harry Campbell, Harish Nair and Igor Rudan - winners of the…

Congratulations Professors!

12 August, 2019

Congratulations to new Professors Evi Theodoratou and Ewen Harrison

Data-Driven Innovation - update

12 August, 2019

What is the City Region Deal, the Data-Driven Innovation Programme and what's next for the…

Data tool helps decipher mouse’s calls

08 August, 2019

Technology that can help interpret inaudible calls from laboratory mice has been developed in a bid…

New Usher Institute logo

01 August, 2019

We are delighted to launch a new look and feel for the Usher Institute.

New Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences

04 July, 2019

Congratulations to Professor John Norrie, Chair of MRC/NIHR EME Board, and Professor Linda Bauld,…

Marilyn Kendall retires

27 June, 2019

A celebration of Dr Marilyn Kendall’s 20 year career in the Primary Palliative Care Group here at…