
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Principal's Medals for Professor Linda Bauld and the TestEd team

08 December, 2021

Professor Linda Bauld and the TestEd team have been awarded Principal's Medals at a winter…

Annual Recognition Awards

23 November, 2021

The Usher Institute is delighted to recognise the contribution of staff and students in our Annual…

Vaccines protect against death from COVID-19 though some clinical characteristics can increase vulnerability

29 October, 2021

Findings from a Scottish study, published in the Lancet Medical Journal, show that people who have…

Major NHS digital transformation programme ‘a success’

12 October, 2021

Evaluation project publish report highlighting success of flagship NHS effort to support hospitals…

New Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact

12 October, 2021

Dr Thanasis Tsanas becomes the Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact at the Usher…

QCovid risk assessment tool now factors in vaccination status

17 September, 2021

Latest QResearch study describes groups who remain at greatest risk from severe COVID-19 among…

Artificial Intelligence and Multimorbidity - new NIHR Research Collaboration

03 September, 2021

NIHR awards £12 million to artificial intelligence research to help understand multiple long-term…

COVID-19, not vaccination, presents biggest blood clot risks

27 August, 2021

Professor Aziz Sheikh co-authors paper showing largest risk of clotting events comes from COVID-19…

Professor Linda Bauld appointed Interim Chief Social Policy Adviser

18 August, 2021

Congratulations to Professor Linda Bauld, who has been appointed to the role of Interim Chief…

Half of Covid hospital cases suffer complication

29 July, 2021

One in two people hospitalised with Covid-19 developed at least one complication, research shows.