
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Hilary Pinnock elected to key role at European Respiratory Society

22 January, 2019

Congratulations to Professor Hilary Pinnock, who has been elected as Head of Assembly 1 - General…

DNA may predict potential lifespan, study finds

22 January, 2019

Scientists say they can predict whether a person can expect to live longer or die sooner than…

World Pneumonia Day 2018

03 December, 2018

World Pneumonia Day 2018 activities took place in Edinburgh and Bangladesh

Usher research group helps get palliative care firmly on the Primary Health Care agenda internationally

01 December, 2018

An update from Scott Murray, Emeritus Professor & Sebastien Moine, visiting research fellow,…

How data science is shaping the modern NHS

01 December, 2018

Professor Aziz Sheikh, Director of the Usher Institute, discusses the role of data science in…

RESPIRE PhD student in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine cover story

01 December, 2018

Congratulations to RESPIRE PhD student, Rutuja Patil, whose image appears on the cover of the…

Building RESPIRE relationships in Malaysia

01 December, 2018

The RESPIRE Malaysia team recently ran its first stakeholder engagement workshop at the University…

Bowel cancer waiting times figures revealed

01 December, 2018

Some bowel cancer patients in the UK wait up to a year to start treatment, a study shows.

Highly Cited Researchers

01 December, 2018

Congratulations to 6 Usher Institute Professors listed on the 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list.

Novel animation about epilepsy

29 October, 2018

A film developed from the themes and findings of the ‘Me and My Epilepsy’ PhD study by Becky Black…