
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Professors Liz Grant and Linda Bauld - Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

04 March, 2019

We are delighted that Professors Linda Bauld and Liz Grant have been elected as Fellows of the…

Experts team up to tackle tropical diseases

07 February, 2019

Millions of people are set to benefit from projects involving Edinburgh researchers that aim to…

Professor Steff Lewis and Dr Martyn Pickersgill appointed Directors of Research

07 February, 2019

The Usher Board is delighted to have appointed Professor Steff Lewis and Dr Martyn Pickersgill as…

Asthma registry to improve participation in research studies

04 February, 2019

REACH is a database which securely stores information about people in the UK affected by asthma and…

Dr Allison Worth retires

01 February, 2019

This month saw the retirement of Dr Allison Worth, lead of the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)…

Ahmar Shah invited to represent University of Edinburgh in Global Young Scientists Summit

01 February, 2019

The 'Global Young Scientists Summit' is a gathering of select under 35 young scientists…

Sea salt could help beat a cold, study suggests

01 February, 2019

A simple sea salt water solution could help to reduce the symptoms of a cold, research suggests.

£3 million boost from UK Government to find data solutions to healthcare challenges

31 January, 2019

The University of Edinburgh has led on one of 10 successful project bids sharing £3 million funding…

Usher Institute Forum and Xmas Gathering

28 January, 2019

Many staff and students from across the Usher Institute celebrated successes of 2018 at our latest…

Usher researchers lead on £2.5 million grant to support appropriate antibiotic prescribing

22 January, 2019

Professor Aziz Sheikh is leading a major new initiative to develop and evaluate an improvement to…