
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Launch of Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society

25 June, 2018

The new Wellcome Trust-backed University of Edinburgh Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society…

Professor Scott Murray retires

14 June, 2018

May 2018 saw the retirement of two much valued Professors from the Usher Institute, Raj Bhopal and…

Professor Raj Bhopal retires

14 June, 2018

May 2018 saw the retirement of two much valued Professors from the Usher Institute, Raj Bhopal and…

Kinship carers comic created to help relieve stress

12 June, 2018

A comic book full of helpful hints has been launched to support people who play vital caring roles…

Dental list of bad practice has patient care at heart

11 May, 2018

Dental experts have drawn up a definitive list of scenarios that patients should never face in a…

Grant to speed up bowel cancer diagnosis

04 May, 2018

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh and University of Leicester have been awarded a grant…

Experts to evaluate NHS tech scheme

03 May, 2018

The impact of a flagship NHS programme aimed at improving the use of digital technology in…

Inspiring visit by former Minister, Norman Lamb MP

12 April, 2018

On 22 March, Chair of the Commons Science and Technology Committee and former Minister of State for…

Patient and Public Involvement Platform selected by NIHR

21 March, 2018

The Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research Patient and Public Involvement Platform has been selected…

Scots born abroad have lower death rates

21 March, 2018

People from most ethnic groups who were born abroad but live in Scotland have lower death rates…