
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Emotional support is key for stroke patients

09 March, 2018

Doctors caring for severe stroke patients need to take account of their psychological needs and…

Professor Cathie Sudlow - Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

06 March, 2018

The Usher Institute's Cathie Sudlow, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Epidemiology, is one…

Usher Postgraduate Administrator nominated for the Best Support Staff Award

27 February, 2018

Usher Postgraduate Administrator Stuart Mallen has been nominated twice for the Best Support Staff…

International experts attend global health conference

27 February, 2018

A highly successful global health symposium was held at the Royal College of Physicians of…

Video created by Primary Palliative Care Research Group

18 February, 2018

Professor Scott Murray, of the Usher Institute, will run a session entitled 'From research to…

Female hormones may be linked to asthma

18 February, 2018

Fluctuations in female sex hormones could play a role in the development of allergies and asthma, a…

Schools alone cannot help to prevent childhood obesity, study finds

08 February, 2018

School-based healthy lifestyle interventions alone are not effective in the fight against childhood…

Dr Martyn Pickersgill to edit prestigious journal

07 February, 2018

Dr Martyn Pickersgill (Wellcome Trust Reader in Social Studies of Biomedicine) has been invited to…

Funding set to transform health through data science

06 February, 2018

Health Data Research UK have announced £54 million of funding to transform health through data…

Research book prize awarded

06 February, 2018

Professor Devi Sridar has been awarded The Virginia Hodgkinson Research Book Prize 2017 along with…