
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Learning and staying in shape key to longer lifespan, study finds

13 October, 2017

People who are overweight cut their life expectancy by two months for every extra kilogramme of…

Smoking bans’ positive impact on child health backed by study

05 September, 2017

Childhood chest infections needing hospital care may have dropped by as much as 20 per cent since…

WHO Collaborating Centre

22 August, 2017

The WHO has confirmed a further 4 year designation for the Centre for Population Health Sciences as…

Director, Professor Sheikh, wins Principal's Medal

14 August, 2017

Professor Aziz Sheikh has been named as recipient of this year's Principal's Medal.

Digital Academy set to transform NHS care

01 August, 2017

Digital masterclasses are to be offered to healthcare professionals to drive innovation in the NHS…

Lung diseases targeted by £7m global research initiative

01 August, 2017

Experts have received £7 million to launch a research initiative focused on reducing the impact of…

Professor Aziz Sheikh now director of Usher Institute

01 August, 2017

With thanks to Professor Andrew Morris, who has led the Usher Institute as its inaugural director.

Blue plaque honours GP’s legacy

31 July, 2017

A pioneering doctor, whose campaigning led to general practice being recognised as a medical…

New HIV prevention drug available in Scotland

31 July, 2017

Dr Ingrid Young's CSO-funded project, Developing HIV Literacy, involved in roll-out of new HIV…

"Key Advances in Clinical Informatics" recently published

26 July, 2017

The new book, on the topic of transforming health care through Health Information Technology, has…