A summary of key news from Usher. News listing Search Tags 201620172018201920202021202220232024ArchiveFeaturesInsights Publication date Date from Date to Health monitors at home help curb blood pressure and diabetes 02 August, 2016 People who monitor diabetes and blood pressure at home cope better than patients who are only seen… Diabetes patients living longer 01 August, 2016 People with type 2 diabetes in Scotland are surviving for longer, research suggests. Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP visits Usher Institute 22 July, 2016 Further Education, Higher Education & Science Minister, Shirley-Anne Somerville visited the… Honorary degree for Dr Judith Mackay 28 June, 2016 [1 July 2016] Dr Judith Mackay has been awarded an honorary degree at this year's graduation… Dr Nazmy Villarroel Williams wins prize at the European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health 28 June, 2016 [28 June 2016] Eight abstracts from the Edinburgh Migration and Ethnicity Health Research Group… Global experts adopt new guidelines for health data analysis 28 June, 2016 [28 June 2016] Representatives from the Usher Institute contributed to the creation of the GATHER… Holidays in the sun hold key to boosting vitamin D, study finds 19 May, 2016 People who take foreign breaks have higher levels of vitamin D in their blood, which has been… Athena SWAN Silver Award 29 April, 2016 Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences, together with Clinical Sciences, have received… Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit 13 April, 2016 The Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit has launched a new website. Core Curriculum for Sociology in Undergraduate Medical Education 10 April, 2016 BeSST (Behavioural and Social Science Teaching in medicine) have published a core curriculum for… … 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 This article was published on 2025-01-10